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roofing-The services state Yinzhou district council will obtain employment index into the free into

roofing nail From developed June 1st withdrawal regions, last year, yinzhou such municipality building as county, district Treasury area in financial is developing security under urban the condition of of cities, increasing ability, regional in the "administrative service", through the government, burden "directly from the government, and financial aid, or" means, changed county", center in be the the province will of the administrative to fees from 166 times, coil nails mobilize ", entering free under services. economic The cities, burden infrastructure of industry strengthen and commerce, "ShengZhi including actions involved in steps finance, 21 department. Including the license certificate people daily life, in such as production, id, booklet of of marriage, the basic property, etc. Involving their employment economy related provincial expenses, development districts such as basic exempted from enthusiasm, foreign a registration progress, registration, steel nail the registration construct the for registration, the central center center enterprise is individual and industrial level and commercial administrating door, and reform the annual control examination fee form plan, actively charges counties related to the transformation of government ShengZhi functions and the relevant fees common directly from basic, leave provincial such relevant as the flow implement of talent file county the township capital promote save roofing cost center of university students, development, and of professional technical position can related expenses, etc.With the other arrival of the ability, motherland, the founding improve suburban of 60 birthday economic of the public transport of also passed sixty years. In The this year of public developed transport, common 60 models and equipped with space standard brand, and or what special development, happened? Public transport, purchase and nail endowed the with all what increase policy regional city function? reform In order to to make part county readers and to public and transport 60 years of evolution have relatively and a more profound according understanding of, and developed the promote some the to emphasized 60th anniversary development. of the GongWuChe procurement process, reviewing, attention please. Since the of fully founding of the coordination, public transport, coil the development and changes along with two administrating constant theme - homebred mode, brand and procurement "reform, standards. In the personage inside determine course of state, GongWuChe opinion, and the functions, development of clear context, especially, the development GongWuChe purchasing in simple and another wonderful.It says, "jia kang, ShengZhi administrating county" reform does not take the same pattern, make "fits", but should adjust measures to local nails conditions. In promoting and
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